Saturday, 11 November 2017

MEDIUM Before jumping to next model, there is a small topic which need a brief attention and tha is MEDIUM., So lets see it……. In Communication Medium is seen as a tool through which we can communicate our messages. In Shannon and Weaver Model, Medium word is not used, instead they used CHANNEL, in their model and code in context. Hence it can be defined as, a technical or Physical mean of converting the message into a signal , capable of being transmitted along the channel. Ex- Voice, Radio, Phone, T.V. Now There come 3 categories of medium: Presentational Representational Mechanical. (Questions comes from these categories.), so lets see.. Presentational Medium: AS the name suggest, mean presenting ourselves. Via, face, body, voice. And for this a Communicator needs to be present, so Presentational medium produces ACTS of Communication. ( A question asked from this.) Representational Medium: Books, Paintings, Photgraphs, writings, architecture, inerior decoration etc…y iam giving examples of these sorts, because, representational medium make a text to record the media of category that can exist independent of communication. These are creative . Mechanical: They are transmitters of categoris 1&2 level , affected by noise .

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Models of SIGN-1/ C.S.Pierce Model

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