Saturday, 18 November 2017

Theodore NewCombs Model 1953

In last four models- S&W, Gerbner and Harold Laswell  it is observed that all these models are Linear, i.e.,mean centre of focus is Source .  But New Comb model is not linear .

It is  Triangular in shape and with in this shape this model introduced the role of communication in a society or a social relationship.: to maintain equilibrium. This Model is also called Linear Model.

Lets understand it : A, B X, here -

 A&B r communicator.

X is their environment. This environment does not mean the ecosystem or atmosphere, it can  be a 3rd person, any Policy, Programme, topic etc.  it means, a factor  with which A&B are aware and may get affected by it.

All three ABX form a system  into which all these three are interdependent, which means A&B may work in same flow , but some factor like X may affect their relationship.

Take an example:

A------- Communicator1---- A teacher.
B-------Communicator 2----Students.

If A &B share same page then there will be equilibrium and if not , they need to struggle to be on same page.

For example, there is a new policy that students need to give time atleast 8 hrs in school .

Here,  If teachers and students share same opinion about this new policy then they would instantly agree with this , but if students do not share same view and also not like teacher  both have to struggle for the policy to be implemented.  This is what news combs model says, how a communication can affect the society or any relationship.
New Combs other work: His works “Personality and Social Change” (1943), “Social Psychology” (1950). He published a new social approach in field of communication which is called “ABX” system (later it became Newcomb’s model) and it’s published in the name of “An Approach to the Study of Communicative Acts (1953)”. He published another great work in the field of social psychology called “The Acquaintance Process” (1961)

( I have given his work because in paper at tmes questions may come from the scholars work too, like who writes which book .)

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